Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fairy Tail

By good friend (Code named Pyro Panda) and I decided that our first joint project on the new server we joined was to make a tribute to our favorite manga, Fairy Tail. 

We started the long progress by flattening out a large area partially over water, so we could not only make the guild, but also attempt to make the town of Magnolia. 

We went with the more basic structures of the guild, (as those who read Fairy Tail know, it's been destroyed a few times) and did some research online to get the pictures we needed for reference. 

Pyropanda and I leveling a hill at night, and Creepers were trying to help.

Here is Fairy Tail in the distance. We haven't made the town yet.

Now we started putting down cobblestone brick to build the town. Creepers aren't even trying to help now.

Our Guild brings all the monsters to the yard...

Here the interior is coming along. To the left is a small storage area, to the right is what will become the kitchen, infirmary, and library. Let's not forget the bar!
Work was slowed by the constant need for red wool.

PyroPanda made the windows.
View from the back of Fairy Tail

More progress inside. Another player gave us a cake as a gift.

Wool shop to the left of Fairy Tail. With the guild constructed, time to start building the town!

The town of Magnolia, complete with canals, and in the distance, a Halloween Tree, inspired by Ray Bradbury's book.

We made a mission board, complete with the mission to capture Deadseid, the server "god." He seemed to be displeased.
Front Door

Inside, we have an info desk on the left walking in

Our mostly complete library

Most important, the bar.

More of the main floor. INformation desk on left, bar on right (not in picture)

Second floor tables.

Pyro Panda made this lovely inn right in front of Fairy Tail.

Looking down the street, there's Lucy's apartment at the end

Magnolia's library

Canal on the left, as well as Lucy's apartment. 

Another view of Lucy's apartment. The inside wasn't done as well as I would like, that's why it's not shown here.

I felt that Black Mage should watch over the chaotic mage guild of Fairy Tail.

Night view of Magnolia's Halloween Tree. 

Night view of Magnolia.

This project took us months to complete, because alas, we had a life outside of Minecraft.

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